Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - "Just Being A Man"

"He's just being a man." How often have we heard this pathetic statement? Typically, this famous catch phrase surfaces after some man has been caught up in a compromising situation, especially one that involves a woman. Immediately following any disgraceful allegations of infidelity or the truth surrounding his indiscretions come to the light, someone will utter, "he's just being a man." What is this specific declaration really conveying or targeting? Are we condoning his behavior or simply dismissing it? Honestly, this statement seems to suggest that all men will cheat at some point. Is there any truth to support this claim?

I'm not naive to believe that a man will exercise sound judgement if sex is assumed or promised. Typically, this type of situation doesn't favor the man. Rarely, do we survive this test. Regardless of how you slice it, he didn't act alone. If the other person involved was deceived then "yes" the cheater deserves 100% of the blame; however, if the other person knew this man was acting inappropriately yet they willingly encouraged him, then why do we highlight his actions and excuse theirs. If his infidelity involves a woman then I've never heard anyone say, "She's just being a woman."

Until next time...

Walter Hunter

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