Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - Married Men and Infidelity

Typically, married men don't walk into the marriage with cheating or divorce being options. If the opposite were true then why would he get married in the first place? He could easily keep playing the field as a 'garden tool', heart-breaker, and life wrecker because those unfortunate outcomes are expected from single, immature men. When a man finally matures, he begins to realize that life is short, it's precious, and there's more to it than a different woman every night. Whether he confesses it or not, that lifestyle gets old too after a certain point. So...what triggers a married man to turn back to the vomit he once left? What beckons him to return to the single life or roll the dice by living a double life?

Starting this month, Men Have Feelings Too will be exposing one reason per month. Our goal is to get to the heart of the matter, not just glorify the symptoms that most blogs and magazines do. Just to wet your whistle, let me say this...the physical act of cheating is the final manifestation of a simultaneous series of thoughts, conversations, and other actions that aided it. Men Have Feelings Too will reveal those parts of the series that most overlook. We will focus upon the inner workings of those outward manifestations.

Until next time...

Walter Hunter

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