Thursday, April 27, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - Why Do Married Men Cheat? Part 4

Why do married men cheat? Men Have Feelings Too is ready to reveal the next reason. This one doesn't need a formal introduction. One main reason why men cheat is because their wife is either not putting out or not giving it up regularly. Once a week, once a month, or once every few months is not enough to feed her starving lion. Think about it, no one feeds their natural body according to this unrealistic schedule. Whenever his wife forces him to go more than three days without her meeting this need, he will become withdrawn, antsy, irritated, or angry towards her.

Let me break this down for you. Men are visual creatures who think about sex multiple times every hour. Then compound this relentless drive with provocatively dressed, flirtatious women who will become sources of temptation for him within the market and workplace. Not to mention, all the other media sources that glorify and encourage lustful desires and illicit sex. By the time he gets home, he's so visually overstimulated that he's about ready to explode. His wife then adds fuel to an already hot fire by wearing sexy panties or nothing at all to bed. By this point, his expectation for sex is almost impossible for him to manage, especially if he's still attracted to his wife. If he must endure this torture chamber night after night without relief, eventually something he may regret is going to happen.

Many wives just don't understand or they underestimate his daily struggles with this. As a result, they'll willingly choose to pencil him in whenever they're in the mood or whenever they get around to it. To most of them, consistently making love to their husband is considered a chore or excessive but to him, it's as natural as eating or breathing. Since most married men find it difficult to articulate this potentially dangerous situation to their wife without it turning into an unnecessary argument; don't worry fellows, I'll be your advocate. Wives, please realize that what I'm conveying to you is real. This is the silent cry of every married man. If you still refuse to see how vulnerable your husband really is after this blog is posted then don't become upset with him if another woman decides to feed your starving husband. Frankly, countless marriages have failed or currently failing all because most husbands are afraid to discuss this very sensitive subject with their wife.

Until next time...

Walter Hunter

Feel free to leave comments or feedback.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - Marriage Changes Things

Earlier this week, I engaged a 27 year old male in what I believed to be an interesting conversation. Our discussion centered around being a man, taking responsibility, and exhibiting impactful leadership before one's family. Just to set the stage, this young guy has two children by two different women. His oldest child is by his ex-girlfriend. His youngest child is by his current in-house girlfriend. Currently, they share a bed, parenting responsibilities, domestic duties, and the like. The only thing they don't share is a bank account. He also claimed to love her but he added, "I just want to be happy." As our conversation progressed I asked, "Since you're already doing the job, why don't you marry her?" He replied, "marriage changes things." Being the guy that I am I asked, "marriage changes what?" After talking in circles for the next few minutes, he finally answered, "I'm not ready for all of that yet."

Currently, there are numerous individuals who are afraid of getting married because they believe the dynamics of their 'marriage-like' relationship will change. As silly as this may sound, this mindset and lifestyle is so common that it's scary. Everybody outside of wedlock craves the benefits of marriage without actually being married. They desire the comforts of monogamy without legal commitment. Many have wasted valuable years, have become physically and emotionally vested, and have played the fool all because another individual didn't love them enough to wholly commit to them. Although these same outcomes can manifest because of divorce, at least there are consequences that were designed to protect both parties. What else did you expect to happen when WE have minimized, distorted, and devalued the true purpose and safeguards created by marriage?

Until next time...

Walter Hunter

Feel free to leave comments or feedback.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - Inwardly Divorced Outwardly Married

Inwardly divorced, outwardly married seems like it should be a contradiction but is it really? Is this concept crazily far-fetched or is it a sobering reality? How can anyone be divorced and married at the same time? Whether anyone cares to acknowledge this heartbreaking trend or not doesn't remove its overpowering existence from so many homes around this world. Everyday, there are numerous men and women who wake up hoping, wishing, and praying they weren't married to their current spouse.
Some of this is so bad that one of them will secretly desire ill-will to befall their spouse so that their conscience won't condemn them for being the first one to leave their failed marriage. Although we know some of this is conditional due to the ups and downs of this life, others constantly live in this state of perpetual discontent. In fact, many of them stay together on paper because of religious obligations, tax breaks. their public appearance, or for the sake of the children. Not only are their bedrooms ice cold, most of them don't even sleep in the same bed anymore. Can you say intimacy? There isn't any intimacy, love making, or meaningful conversations. Instead, they're either constantly arguing and fighting or silence has totally consumed their home. If they speak at all, it's an occasional surface conversation regarding the children, bills, or domestic duties. Who wants to willingly live their lives married to someone whom they don't like or love anymore? Although it's unfortunate, many live exactly like this everyday. If this wasn't true then we wouldn't be discussing it.

Until next time...

Walter Hunter

Feel free to leave comments or feedback.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - Shhh

Shhh..."Can you keep a secret?" "Can we keep this between us?" "I won't tell if you won't?" Believe it or not, the average person currently lives their everyday life concealing at least one secret. The secret possessor has been thoroughly convinced by another to forever keep their mouth shut concerning what they've seen, know, or been told. Therefore, this valued information comes with a tremendously expensive price tag. In extreme cases, that price includes death. What are we really taking about here?

Personal information that will cause major problems or tough questions to be raised if those things that were supposed to remain private ever went public. When they do, individuals, families, organizations, enterprises, and other "entities" will have a lot of explaining to do. Sometimes, the original cover story exposes more loopholes of incriminating evidence instead of becoming a buffering means of damage control. What to disclose versus what to conceal becomes the revolving question of the day. So that I don't leave you in anymore suspense, "Shhh" will be an exclusive blog series that will crop up here from time to time. Just to whet your whistle in advance, the information you'll receive will be well worth the wait.  

Until next time...

Walter Hunter

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