Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - Inwardly Divorced Outwardly Married

Inwardly divorced, outwardly married seems like it should be a contradiction but is it really? Is this concept crazily far-fetched or is it a sobering reality? How can anyone be divorced and married at the same time? Whether anyone cares to acknowledge this heartbreaking trend or not doesn't remove its overpowering existence from so many homes around this world. Everyday, there are numerous men and women who wake up hoping, wishing, and praying they weren't married to their current spouse.
Some of this is so bad that one of them will secretly desire ill-will to befall their spouse so that their conscience won't condemn them for being the first one to leave their failed marriage. Although we know some of this is conditional due to the ups and downs of this life, others constantly live in this state of perpetual discontent. In fact, many of them stay together on paper because of religious obligations, tax breaks. their public appearance, or for the sake of the children. Not only are their bedrooms ice cold, most of them don't even sleep in the same bed anymore. Can you say intimacy? There isn't any intimacy, love making, or meaningful conversations. Instead, they're either constantly arguing and fighting or silence has totally consumed their home. If they speak at all, it's an occasional surface conversation regarding the children, bills, or domestic duties. Who wants to willingly live their lives married to someone whom they don't like or love anymore? Although it's unfortunate, many live exactly like this everyday. If this wasn't true then we wouldn't be discussing it.

Until next time...

Walter Hunter

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