Thursday, May 4, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - Monkey See, Monkey Do

Way too often, men take for granted their role as a father. Just so you know, being a father is a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT; therefore, fatherhood comes at a very high price, a price that most of us are not willing to pay in full. As long as things are good, then we're good but when things aren't so good, many of us choose to run from our responsibility.

Some fathers are the first ones to proclaim that a woman doesn't know the proper way or is incapable of raising a son. The question I want to know is "Do you know the proper way?" Fatherhood doesn't come with a manual nor tutorial, which means that everything we've learned regarding our ever-evolving profession have came by either trial and error or by observation and implementation. Our children aren't any different. In other words, "monkey see, monkey do." Although our words have power, nothing speaks louder and more impactful to them than our daily lifestyles. I encourage you to constantly take inventory of your words, actions, habits, and addictions.

 Until next time...

Walter Hunter

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