Thursday, May 25, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - Why Do Married Men Cheat? Part 5

"When are you going to clean out that garage because I've been asking you about it for months?" "You never call me when you're at work?" "Why haven't you texted me today?" "Why didn't you like my comment or pic on Facebook?" "You never take me out anymore." "You don't spend enough time with me." "Is there someone else because you've changed?" If you've ever heard this series of persistent questions or complaints from your wife, or another series like it, then constant nagging has to be another reason why married men cheat.

Typically, men are logical thinkers who desire peace within their home. No man wants to work all day in the hostile environments of temptation, backstabbing, unrealistic demands and deadlines, or the natural elements like extreme cold or heat then come home to what he believes to be more turmoil. From the moment he clocks out at work until he goes to bed, all he wants to do is detox from his long day of mental and physical assaults. Truth be told, all he wants now is food, maybe a drink, visual entertainment like the TV, and sex from his wife. This is how he plans to unwind from his stressful day.

On his way home or the very moment he enters his home, he's interrogated by his wife. Since she hasn't talked to him for much of her day, now she's ready to converse. Immediately, she hits him with an overwhelming grocery list of items that she wants to ask or get answered. To her it's mental bonding and simulation but to him, it's way to much. In his mind, he prefers for her to shut up but if he's planning on "getting some" later on that night, then he better at least make the conversation pleasant. At first, he's willing to entertain one or two of her questions with short direct answers but when her conversation quickly turns into criticisms and complaints, WATCH OUT! Man, did you see those boxing gloves just fly off? What started off as a friendly exhibition between them just turned into a slug fest. As their exchanges continue to intensify, all he can think about is a temporary escape back to the peaceful, stress free paradise that he envisioned. If this trend continues to persists over time, eventually, he'll get to the point of desiring a permanent escape.      

Until next time... 

Walter Hunter

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