Friday, June 16, 2017

Men Have Feelings Too - Single Fathers Support

Being a single father is extremely difficult. It doesn't matter where you turn, single fathers support groups, resources, and blogs are impossible to find. With this in mind, Men Have Feelings Too will gladly throw our input into this dismal arena. Before we start overwhelming you with relatable and reliable content, let's first identify the two types of single fathers.

Absent and Distant Fathers are opposites of the same coin. While the former is irresponsible, the latter desires to be responsible but several people and challenges seek to destroy his inward zeal to be a good dad. If these people and things are successful, they will pollute his heart turning it from distant to absent. For further clarity, let's examine both of them a little closer.

An absent father is self-explanatory. This type is nonexistent or if there are any interactions with his children, they're extremely limited. The majority of the time, he'll persistently deny his involvement in impregnating the woman who bears his child, even when the child looks like his identical twin. Furthermore, he couldn't care less about how present and future pains and frustrations will affect his child or the child's mother.

On the other hand, a distant father is one who doesn't physically reside with his own children, but he makes every attempt to be a part of their lives. While his deliberate actions to father his child or children are highly commendable, there are a few entities who always seem to stir up major havoc. Not only that, each one of them would absolutely love to see him fail. The Big 3, the entities I'm referencing, are his baby's mother's dominating father, her influential mother, and a controlling rooster in the hen house (i.e. her new man or husband). As we continue to discuss single fathers, their struggles, and challenges, we'll have no choice but to explore each of these factors and the various problems they can cause.

Until next time...

Walter Hunter

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